Boomerangs of Martijn Koolloos

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De El Toro van Martijn Koolloos voor en na revisie Name: El Toro
Design: Based on the 'Come-back' as described in Boemerangs of Ger Schurink
Constructed by: Martijn Koolloos
Date: 1989
Revision: Repainted en varnished
Date revision: April 2005
Material: Berch plywood
Thickness: 8 mm.
Wing chord: 55 mm.
Lengte arm: 440 mm
Wingspan: 640 mm.
Weight: 250 gr
Characteristics: This is my first hand-made boomerang and really awful. Makes a rather low circular path with a diameter of ±30 meter. Performs best with moderate wind (windforce 3-4). Has to be thrown with a lot of force and effect at 90° from the wind.
De Space Orbit van Martijn Koolloos voor en na revisie Name: Space Orbit
Design: Based on the 'halve circel' as described in Boemerangs of Ger Schurink
Constructed by: Martijn Koolloos
Date: 1989
Revision: Inroduction of holes, reduction of thickness, improvement of profile, repainted en varnished
Date revision: May 2005
Material: Berch plywood
Thickness: 5 mm.
Wing chord: 35 mm.
Wingspan: 335 mm.
Diameter holes: 7 mm.
Weight: 50 gr
Characteristics: Makes a loop path with a diameter of ±25 m and climbs in the second half of the flight. It has to be thrown straight ahead with a good deal of effect and not too hard. Before the revision it was hard to let it return properly. Especially the turbulence holes improved the flight characteristics.
De Newlon van Martijn Koolloos Name: Newlon
Design: Don Monroe Tucson / Niels K. Jensen
Constructed by: Martijn Koolloos
Date: May 2005
Material: Berch plywood, 8 layers
Thickness: 4 mm.
Wing chord: 20 - 45 mm.
Wingspan: 295 mm.
Heigth: 255 mm.
Weight: .. gr
Characteristics:A real hard wind boomerang. Makes a circular path with a diameter of 40-50 m and climbs a little in the second half of the flight. Since it has only profile on the wing tips it looses rotational and hence forward speed upon returning. The wind takes it then back home. Has to be thrown hard, practically vertical and straight ahead with a lot of effect. My favourite for the windy Netherlands!
Unpainted version
De Pi van Martijn Koolloos Name: Pi
Design: France Boomerang Association
Constructed by: Martijn Koolloos
Date: May 2005
Material: Berch plywood, 8 layers
Thickness: 4 mm.
Wing chord: 30-40 mm.
Wingspan: 375 mm.
Heigth: .. mm.
Weight: 65 gr
Characteristics: Makes a circular path and maintains a high rotational speed. Could use some turbulence, but drilling holes in this one is a shame...
Unpainted version
De Raptor van Martijn Koolloos Name: Raptor
Design: Saraiva Digital
Constructed by: Martijn Koolloos
Modifications: Lead in wing tips
Date: May 2005
Material: Berch plywood, 8 layers
Thickness: 4 mm.
Wing chord: 20 - 45 mm.
Diameter (2x centre to wing tip): 300 mm.
Diameter holes: 6 and 5 mm.
Weight: .. gr
Characteristics: Tuned by slightly upbending the wings. Makes a circular path, that is rather large (Ø20 m) owing to the lead. Holes give enough resistance to diminish rotational speed upon returning, which makes it good catchable.
Click here for WMV-movie of Raptor flight with close fly-by..
Unpainted version
The Enduro 1000 of Martijn Koolloos Name: Enduro 1000
Design: Patrick Prady.
Constructed by: Martijn Koolloos
Modifications: Only one hole per wing and without lead.
Date: August 2005
Material: Berch plywood, 8 layers
Thickness: 4 mm.
Wing chord: 19 - 35 mm.
Diameter (2x centre to wing tip): 320 mm.
Diameter holes: 21 mm in centre, 6 mm in wing.
Weight: 35 gr
Characteristics: Makes a low circular path with a diameter of ca. 20 m. Returns pretty good at thrower.
Unpainted version

The Big Fuzzy of Martijn Koolloos Name: Big Fuzzy
Design: Axel Heckner (original Fuzzy).
Constructed by: Martijn Koolloos
Modifications: Slightly upscaled
Date: September 2005
Material: Poplar plywood, 5 layers
Thickness: 5 mm.
Wing chord: 30 - 40 mm (centre-part).
Wingspan: 355 mm.
Heigth: 225 mm.
Weight: 45 gr (incl. lead)
Characteristics: Makes a large low circular path and returns nicely. They say a perfect Australian Round BR...

The upscaled Seastar of Martijn Koolloos Name: Seastar
Design: Patrick Prady.
Constructed by: Martijn Koolloos
Modifications: Considerably upscaled
Date: September 2005
Material: Poplar plywood, 5 layers
Thickness: 5 mm.
Wing chord: 58 mm.
Diameter (2x centre to wing tip): 560 mm.
Diameter holes: 55 mm in centre, 10 mm in wing tip.
Weight: .. gr
Characteristics: Makes a circular path with a diameter of ca. 25 m. Climb in last part, hovering back to thrower. Good catchable!
Click here for WMV-movie of Seastar flight with a very close fly-by..

The Ooldea of Martijn Koolloos Name: Ooldea
Design: Based on the 'Ooldea' as described in Boemerangs of Ger Schurink
Constructed by: Martijn Koolloos
Date: Oktober 2005
Material: Poplar plywood, 5 layers
Thickness: 5 mm.
Wing chord: 35 - 40 mm.
Wingspan: 445 mm.
Heigth: 205 mm.
Weight: .. gr
Characteristics: Makes a low circular path with a diameter of ca. 15 m. Passes low behind thrower and makes a second small circle. Dangerous but fun!

Missed In Action BRs

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